
Family History

Jo offers a full range of research services to help you uncover your family history.  These include:

  • Building a family tree from scratch, many clients buy these as gifts for others.
  • Swift verification of trees built by others.
  • Obtaining primary source records to document existing trees.
  • Taking over when you have exhausted online sources, or the handwriting becomes too difficult to read.
  • Tackling illegitimacies and other brick walls that all family historians come across eventually.
  • Offering advice and suggesting next steps for those who want to carry out research themselves.
  • Obtaining copies or high-quality photographs of records from archives.

Jo divides her time between Norfolk and Derbyshire giving her easy access to archives throughout central and eastern England and she frequently carries out research in London. If your project requires research doing at an archive beyond her reach, Jo has built up a network of other professionals whom she trusts to carry out high quality work. She will oversee the whole project, so there is no need for you to worry about searching for other genealogists to cover all the different areas your ancestors are from.

Unknown Parentage

Using DNA testing to solve cases of unknown parentage can be a daunting task. It requires in-depth knowledge of the field of genetic genealogy and complex work. Jo offers the following services:

  • Advice on the right test to take and the best person in your family to undergo testing.
  • Help interpreting the results of your test.
  • Using autosomal DNA testing to help solve cases of unknown parentage within five generations.

Jo also works with Y-DNA tests which can look back hundreds of years into a direct male line (Y-DNA is only passed from father to son). This is useful for verifying links between families of the same surname in different parts of the world and for understanding what a historic biological surname may be, if an illegitimacy has occurred in that line.

Get in touch today

Contact Jo for a free, no obligation, initial consultation.